
Course Webpage for B522 Programming Language Foundations, Spring 2020, Indiana University

View the Project on GitHub jsiek/B522-PL-Foundations

module TypeInference where

Type Inference for STLC


open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; length; _++_)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _<_; s≤s)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; Σ; Σ-syntax; ∃; ∃-syntax; proj₁; proj₂)
   renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
  using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; sym; cong; inspect)
  renaming ([_] to ⟅_⟆)

The module STLCWithRecursion defines the STLC with primtive natural numbers and general recursion. The variable representation is de Bruijn indices and the type system is extrinsic.

open import STLCWithRecursion

The Unification modules defines the unify function for solving equations over first-order terms, which we will use here to solve equations over types.

open import Unification TyOp tyop-eq arity
   using (Equations; unify; finished; no-solution; unify-sound)

Type Substitution

subst-env : Equations → Context → Context
subst-env σ ∅ = ∅
subst-env σ (Γ , A) = subst-env σ Γ , subst-ty σ A

subst-env-empty : ∀ Γ → subst-env [] Γ ≡ Γ
subst-env-empty ∅ = refl
subst-env-empty (Γ , A)
    rewrite subst-env-empty Γ
    | subst-empty A = refl

len : Context → ℕ
len ∅ = 0
len (Γ , x) = suc (len Γ)

<-∋ : ∀{Γ : Context}{x}
   → x < (len Γ)
   → Σ[ A ∈ Type ] Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
<-∋ {Γ , A} {zero} x<Γ = ⟨ A , Z ⟩
<-∋ {Γ , A} {suc x} (s≤s x<Γ) 
    with <-∋ {Γ} {x} x<Γ
... | ⟨ B , x:B ⟩ =
    ⟨ B , S x:B ⟩
subst-env-compose : ∀ σ σ' Γ
   → subst-env (σ' ∘ σ) Γ ≡ subst-env σ' (subst-env σ Γ)
subst-env-compose σ σ' ∅ = refl
subst-env-compose σ σ' (Γ , A)
    rewrite subst-ty-compose σ σ' A
    | subst-env-compose σ σ' Γ = refl
subst-pres-∋ : ∀{x Γ A σ}
   → Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
   → subst-env σ Γ ∋ x ⦂ subst-ty σ A
subst-pres-∋ {.0} {.(_ , A)} {A} Z = Z
subst-pres-∋ {.(suc _)} {.(_ , _)} {A} (S Γ∋x) = S (subst-pres-∋ Γ∋x)   
subst-id-prim : ∀{σ p}
   → subst-ty σ (typeof p) ≡ typeof p
subst-id-prim {σ} {base B-Nat} = refl
subst-id-prim {σ} {base B-Bool} = refl
subst-id-prim {σ} {pfun B-Nat p}
    rewrite subst-id-prim {σ} {p} = refl
subst-id-prim {σ} {pfun B-Bool p}
    rewrite subst-id-prim {σ} {p} = refl
subst-pres-types : ∀ {σ Γ A N}
   → Γ ⊢ N ⦂ A
   → subst-env σ Γ ⊢ N ⦂ subst-ty σ A
subst-pres-types {σ} {Γ} {A} {` x} (⊢` Γ∋x) = ⊢` (subst-pres-∋ Γ∋x)
subst-pres-types {σ} {Γ} {A ⇒ B} {ƛ N} (⊢ƛ Γ⊢N:B) = ⊢ƛ (subst-pres-types Γ⊢N:B)
subst-pres-types {σ} {Γ} {B} {.(_ · _)} (⊢· Γ⊢L:A→B Γ⊢M:A) =
    let ⊢L = subst-pres-types {σ} Γ⊢L:A→B in
    let ⊢M = subst-pres-types {σ} Γ⊢M:A in
    ⊢· ⊢L ⊢M
subst-pres-types {σ} {Γ} {A} {.(μ _)} (⊢μ Γ⊢N:A) = ⊢μ (subst-pres-types Γ⊢N:A)
subst-pres-types {σ} {Γ} {A} {$ p k} (⊢$ eq)
    rewrite eq = ⊢$ (subst-id-prim{σ}{p})
len-subst-env : ∀ Γ σ → len (subst-env σ Γ) ≡ len Γ
len-subst-env ∅ σ = refl
len-subst-env (Γ , A) σ = cong suc (len-subst-env Γ σ)

Type Inference

Milner’s Algorithm 𝒲 adapted to the STLC.

𝒲 : (Γ : Context) → (M : Term) → WF (len Γ) M → ℕ 
   → Maybe (Σ[ σ ∈ Equations ] Σ[ A ∈ Type ] subst-env σ Γ ⊢ M ⦂ A × ℕ)
𝒲 Γ (` x) (WF-var .x x<Γ) α
    with <-∋ x<Γ
... | ⟨ A , Γ∋x ⟩ =
    just ⟨ [] , ⟨ A , ⟨ (⊢` G) , α ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
    where G : subst-env [] Γ ∋ x ⦂ A
          G rewrite subst-env-empty Γ = Γ∋x
𝒲 Γ ($ p k) wfm α = just ⟨ [] , ⟨ (typeof p) , ⟨ (⊢$ refl) , α ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
𝒲 Γ (ƛ N) (WF-op (WF-cons (WF-bind (WF-ast wfN)) WF-nil)) α
    with 𝒲 (Γ , (tyvar α)) N wfN (suc α)
... | nothing = nothing
... | just ⟨ σ , ⟨ B , ⟨ ⊢N:B , β ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ =
      just ⟨ σ , ⟨ (subst-ty σ (tyvar α) ⇒ B) , ⟨ ⊢ƛ ⊢N:B , β ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
𝒲 Γ (μ N) (WF-op (WF-cons (WF-bind (WF-ast wfN)) WF-nil)) α
    with 𝒲 (Γ , (tyvar α)) N wfN (suc α)
... | nothing = nothing
... | just ⟨ σ , ⟨ A , ⟨ ⊢N:A , β ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
    with unify (⟨ subst-ty σ (tyvar α) , A ⟩ ∷ []) | inspect unify (⟨ subst-ty σ (tyvar α) , A ⟩ ∷ [])
... | no-solution | ⟅ uni ⟆ = nothing
... | finished σ' | ⟅ uni ⟆ =
      let α' = subst-ty σ' (subst-ty σ (tyvar α)) in
      just ⟨ σ' ∘ σ , ⟨ α' , ⟨ ⊢μ G , β ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
    G : subst-env (σ' ∘ σ) Γ , subst-ty σ' (subst-ty σ (tyvar α))
        ⊢ N ⦂ subst-ty σ' (subst-ty σ (tyvar α))
    G   with subst-pres-types {σ'} ⊢N:A
    ... | σ'σΓ⊢N:σA
        with unify-sound (⟨ subst-ty σ (tyvar α) , A ⟩ ∷ []) σ' uni
    ... | ⟨ σ'σα=σ'A , _ ⟩ 
        rewrite subst-env-compose σ σ' Γ
        | σ'σα=σ'A = σ'σΓ⊢N:σA
𝒲 Γ (L · M) (WF-op (WF-cons (WF-ast wfL) (WF-cons (WF-ast wfM) WF-nil))) α
    with 𝒲 Γ L wfL α
... | nothing = nothing
... | just ⟨ σ , ⟨ A , ⟨ σΓ⊢L:A , β ⟩ ⟩ ⟩
    rewrite cong (λ □ → WF □ M) (sym (len-subst-env Γ σ))
    with 𝒲 (subst-env σ Γ) M wfM β
... | nothing = nothing
... | just ⟨ σ' , ⟨ B , ⟨ σ'σΓ⊢M:B , γ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩ 
    with unify (⟨ subst-ty σ' A , B ⇒ tyvar γ ⟩ ∷ []) | inspect unify (⟨ subst-ty σ' A , B ⇒ tyvar γ ⟩ ∷ [])
... | no-solution | ⟅ uni ⟆ = nothing
... | finished θ | ⟅ uni ⟆
    with subst-pres-types {σ'} σΓ⊢L:A
... | σ'σΓ⊢L:σ'A
    with subst-pres-types {θ} σ'σΓ⊢L:σ'A | subst-pres-types {θ} σ'σΓ⊢M:B
... | θσ'σΓ⊢L:θσ'A | θσ'σΓ⊢M:θB
    with unify-sound (⟨ subst-ty σ' A , B ⇒ tyvar γ ⟩ ∷ []) _ uni
... | ⟨ θσ'A=θB⇒γ , _ ⟩
    rewrite sym (subst-env-compose σ σ' Γ)
    | sym (subst-env-compose (σ' ∘ σ) θ Γ)
    | θσ'A=θB⇒γ =
    just ⟨ θ ∘ (σ' ∘ σ) ,
         ⟨ (subst-ty θ (tyvar γ)) ,
         ⟨ ⊢·  θσ'σΓ⊢L:θσ'A  θσ'σΓ⊢M:θB ,
           (suc γ) ⟩ ⟩ ⟩