
Functional Programming in Deduce

Deduce supports the following language features:

The following subsections describe each of these features. There are several exercises at the end that you can use to check your understanding.


The import declaration makes available the contents of another Deduce file in the current file. For example, you can import the contents of as follows

import Nat


The define feature of Deduce associates a name with a value. The following definitions associate the name five with the natural number 5, and the name six with the natural number 6.

define five = 2 + 3
define six : Nat = 1 + five

Optionally, the type can be specified after the name, following a colon. In the above, six holds a natural number, so its type is Nat.

Printing Values

You can ask Deduce to print a value to standard output using the print statement.

print five

The output is 5.

Function (Term)

A function term starts with λ or fun, followed by parameter names and their types, then the body of the function enclosed in braces. For example, the following defines a function for computing the area of a rectangle.

define area = λ h:Nat, w:Nat { h * w }

To call a function, apply it to the appropriate number and type of arguments.

print area(3, 4)

The output is 12.

A function term may omit the type annotations for the parameters, but only in a context where Deduce knows what the function’s type should be. The following produces an error because the following define does not include a type annotation and neither does the function term.

define area = λ h, w { h * w }

Deduce prints the following error message.

Cannot synthesize a type for λh,w{h * w}.
Add type annotations to the parameters.

Unions and Switch

The union feature of Deduce defines a type whose values are created by one or more constructors. A union definition specifies a name for the union type and its body specifies the name of each constructor and its parameter types. For example, we define the following union to represent a linked-list of natural numbers.

union NatList {
  Node(Nat, NatList)

We can then construct values of type NatList using the constructors Empty and Node. To create a linked-list whose elements are 1 and 2, write:

define NL12 = Node(1, Node(2, Empty))

Unions may be recursive: a constructor may include a parameter type that is the union type, e.g., the NatList parameter of Node.

Generic Unions

Unions may be generic: one can parameterize a union with one or more type parameters. For example, we generalize linked lists to any element types as follows.

union List<T> {
  node(T, List<T>)

Constructing values of a generic union looks the same as for a regular union. Deduce figures out the type for T from the types of the constructor arguments.

define L12 = node(1, node(2, empty))


You can branch on a value of union type using switch. For example, the following front function returns the first element of a NatList. Here we give an explicit type annotation for the front function. The type of a function starts with fn, followed by the parameter types, then ->, and finally the return type.

    import Option

    define front : fn NatList -> Option<Nat> =
      λ ls { 
        switch ls {
          case Empty { none }
          case Node(x, ls') { just(x) }

The output of

print front(NL12)

is just(1).

The switch compares the discriminated value with the constructor pattern of each case and when it finds a match, it initializes the pattern variables from the parts of the discriminated value and then evaluates the branch associated with the case.

If you forget a case in a switch, Deduce will tell you. For example, if you try the following:

define broken_front : fn NatList -> Option<Nat> =
  λ ls { switch ls { case Empty { none } } }

Deduce responds with

this switch is missing a case for: Node(Nat,NatList)

Natural Numbers

Natural numbers are not a builtin type in Deduce but instead they are defined as a union type:

union Nat {

The file includes the above definition together with some operations on natural numbers and theorems about them. The numerals 0, 1, 2, etc. are shorthand for the natural numbers zero, suc(zero), suc(suc(zero)), etc.


Similarly to natural numbers, lists are also defined as the List<T> union type we defined above.

The file includes that definition as well as operations on lists and theorems about them. Deduce also provides shorthand notation for lists where:

Booleans, Conditionals, and Assert

Deduce includes the values true and false of type bool and the usual boolean operations such as and, or, and not. Deduce also provides an if-then-else term that branches on the value of a boolean. For example, the following if-then-else term is evaluates to 7.

print (if true then 7 else 5+6)

The assert statement evaluates a term and reports an error if the result is false. For example, the following assert does nothing because the term evaluates to true.

assert (if true then 7 else 5+6) = 7

Recursive Functions

Recursive functions in Deduce are somewhat special to make sure they always terminate.

A recursive function begins with the function keyword, followed by the name of the function, then the parameters types and the return type. For example, here’s the definition of a len function for lists of natural numbers.

function len(NatList) -> Nat {
  len(Empty) = 0
  len(Node(n, next)) = 1 + len(next)

There are two clauses in the body. The clause for Empty says that its length is 0. The clause for Node says that its length is one more than the length of the rest of the linked list. Deduce approves of the recursive call len(next) because next is part of Node(n, next).

Recursive functions may have more than one parameter but pattern matching is only supported for the first parameter. For example, here is the app function that combines two linked lists.

function app(NatList, NatList) -> NatList {
  app(Empty, ys) = ys
  app(Node(n, xs), ys) = Node(n, app(xs, ys))

If you need to pattern match on a parameter that is not the first, you can use a switch statement. For example, the following zip function (defined in combines two lists into a single list of pairs. The function is defined by two clauses that pattern match on the first parameter. However, zip also needs to match on the second parameter ys, which is accomplished with a switch statement.

function zip<T,U>(List<T>, List<U>) -> List< Pair<T, U> > {
  zip(empty, ys) = []
  zip(node(x, xs'), ys) =
    switch ys {
      case empty { [] }
      case node(y, ys') { node(pair(x,y), zip(xs', ys')) }

Generic Functions

Deduce supports generic functions, so we can generalize length to work on lists with any element type as follows.

function length<E>(List<E>) -> Nat {
  length(empty) = 0
  length(node(n, next)) = 1 + length(next)

Generic functions that are not recursive can be defined using a combination of define, generic, and λ.

define head : fn<T> List<T> -> Option<T> =
  generic T { λ ls { 
	  switch ls {
		case empty { none }
		case node(x, ls') { just(x) }

The type of a generic function, such as head, starts with its type parameters surrounded by < and >.

Calling a generic function is just like calling a normal funtion, most of the time. For example, the following invokes the generic length function on an argument of type List<Nat> and Deduce figures out that the type parameter E must be Nat.

assert length([42]) = 1

However, there are times when there is not enough information for Deduce to determine the type parameters of a generic. For example, both the length function and the empty constructor are generic, so Deduce cannot figure out what type of list is being constructed in the following.

assert length([]) = 0

Deduce responds with the error:

Cannot infer type arguments for
Please make them explicit.

The solution is to explicitly instantiate either empty or length. The syntax starts with @, followed by the generic entity, and finishes with the type arguments surrounded by < and >. Here’s the example again with the explicit instantiation.

assert length(@[]<Nat>) = 0

Higher-order Functions

Functions may be passed as parameters to a function and they may be returned from a function. For example, the following function checks whether every element of a list satisfies a predicate.

function all_elements<T>(List<T>, fn T->bool) -> bool {
  all_elements(empty, P) = true
  all_elements(node(x, xs'), P) = P(x) and all_elements(xs', P)


Pairs are defined as a union type:

union Pair<T,U> {

The file includes the above definition and several operations on pairs, such as first and second.


Sum the Elements in a List

Define a function named sum that adds up all the elements of a List<Nat>.

define L13 = [1, 2, 3]
assert sum(L13) = 6

Inner Product

Define a function named dot that computes the inner product of two List<Nat>.

define L46 = [4, 5, 6]
assert dot(L13,L46) = 32

Last Element in a List

Define a generic function named last that returns the last element of a List<E>, if there is one. The return type should be Option<E>. (Option is defined in the file

assert last(L13) = just(3)

Remove Elements from a List

Define a generic function named remove_if that removes elements from a list if they satisfy a predicate. So remove_if should have two parameters: (1) a List<E> and (2) a function whose parameter is E and whose return type is bool.

assert remove_if(L13, λx {x ≤ 1}) = [2, 3]

Non-empty Lists and Average

Define a union type named NEList for non-empty list. Design the alternatives in the union carefuly to make it impossible to create an empty list.

Define a function named average that computes the mean of a non-empty list and check that it works on a few inputs. Note that the second parameter of the division operator / is of type Pos, which is defined in